"Circular Thoughts through the Quaternary Period"
Mixed media, Multi-sensory, Upcycled, Electric-Kinetic Sculpture.
Built 2019-2024
New York, NY, USA.
"Circular Thoughts through the Quaternary Period" Mixed media, Multi-sensory, Upcycled, Electric-Kinetic sculpture. Built 2019-2023 Stuart Ross, New York City, USA. "Circular Thoughts" has been crafted from the reclaimed wretched refuse of the city that never sleeps. Sculptor, environmentalist, Science teacher, and known dumpster diver, Stuart Ross, has re-captured century old materials, for over two decades, in order to build this Electric-Kinetic landscape. Our central figure with arms wide presides curiously over the Quaternary Period, questioning the effect of technology on the human spirit. Some hints for exploring: There is an advancement of time from one side of the piece to the other. The changes in hominid tools, technology and culture from primitive to modern unfold in motion to questionable advantages. Throughout the peace can be found Manhattan schist, the strong, metamorphic rock that can support the massive skyscrapers of New York. Although there are many items in varied biomes, none are placed by accident. Enjoy!